Planetary repair strategies
We are going to revolutionise the energy sector with our water desalination/carbon sequestration / ammonia fuel and fertiliser plants
Creating a multi trillion dollar global company
Global gorilla s would like too invest in a number of areas
There’s no point tacking your hard earnt money too the grave
Now is the time too invest ,offset your existence and drive the future
Research , development and implementation of the following scenarios
Research and development in the following fields
Oxygen Power plants
Tesla,, Beard man, ebm machines ambient energy
wireless transmission of electricity
Oxygen power plants
magnetic engines
Geo thermal
Laser boron fusion
Recycling , waste to fuels
Green steel
green cement
scs single step squared carbon removal technology ,sea water carbon sequestration
bio sequestration , native forest , paper forests , food crops and biofuel crops
Drinking water
Recycling waist and or plastic too fuel Requires 2000 plants worldwide E fuels
diesel fuels Syngas elrctrical power generation Jet fuels and boat fuels https://www.theglobalgorilla.com/home/strategies/investment-options/
Water desalination
Required worldwide to hydrate the mass’s
2000 plants worldwide
water desalination plants
powered by off shore wind
throughout the planets most driest climates incorporating scs single step squared carbon removal technology , Direct ocean capture
That is sequestering the carbon directly from the sea water
and harvesting it as calcite a highly valuable commodity used in farming,/ cement /and in the process of manufacturing ammonium nitrate
then tacking that sea water and desalinating it and piping it to arid regions of a country too grow native forest creating, carbon biosequestration crops and food security crops and biofuel crops and provide drinking water
We are developing the sustainable infrastructure of tomorrow by inventing and commercializing
large-scale innovations the greatest commercial opportunity of all time
The Garden Gorilla
So you like too garden
Check this one out
Well here s a garden that will fuel/feed/and hydrate the continent of Australia and the world
It can be replicated and exported to the rest of Australia and to the world
Suppling Water food and fuels
While retraining the less fortunate and employing the mass’s
Starting in western Australia in 2030
Leaving us 5 years to plan the process and raise capital
It starts with a single 200 km x 200 km plots
And we plan for there to be 12 plots in western Australia alone if we hope to capture the world carbon sequestration , Bio fuel / Food/ ammonium nitrate markets , Some one has to service this global need so why not here .. right in sunny Western Australia
Each plot will be divided into 400 /10 km x 10 km sub plots
With 2 major road from the south coast to the north coast of western Australia
Serviced by 4 deep sea ports and earth hubs facilities 2north 2 south
approximately 200 km apart east/west
Starting at the western Australian border with south Australian
come in 100 km and build a road from the south coast to the north coast with a deep sea port incorporating desalination/carbon sequestration/ammonia fertiliser plants
Powered by off shore wind and inland bio electrical generation
That is stage 1 and stage 2 / 6 .. 200 km x 200 km plots serviced by 1 road and 2 ports
And if to be found successful and serviceable we will build stage 3 and stage 4
The north / south road to be located at 300 km east of the west Australian border with south Australia so the plot match up
Again with 6 // 200 km x 200 km plots divided into 400 // 10 km x 10 km sub plots
I estimate with a total work force of 10.000 being 6.000 prison inmates to serve there time out and be rehabilitated and re trained for the green revolution [national uptake program]
we will provide a nationally recognised training and certification program with up to 60 available training subjects
And another 4000 workers to run//build the 4 deep sea ports with
desalination/carbon sequestration/ammonia fertiliser plants
This is a viable business plan creating product that will be sold on the national and international markets
We will require a distribution network ,/ trucking service
, wholesale vegetable market space in all capital cities
international supply contracts to feed Australia and the world
These plots will also include 100 sub plots bio fuel [SAF]
100 sub plots food production
200 Agro forestry carbon sequestration sub plot were the trees are planted at a rate of 1.2 million per 10 km x 10 km sub plot allowing 20 % loss leave us a comfortable 1 million trees per plot planted at the rate of 1 / 10 km x 10 km sub plot per year
These plants will sequester 1 million tn co2 e per sub plot over there fifty year life span
@ a reasonable rate of 1 tn co2 e per tree over fifty years
After the fifty year lifespan the tree will be harvested
The quality wood will be utilised for building materials
Sandal woods will be harvested and replanted every 25 years
The other trees not of peak financial value will be processed via Pyrolysis reactor to make syngas to run electrical generators and the electricity Combined with our 10 x10 km sub plot of solar and a 10 km x 10 km sub plot of wind electrical power generation ,, It will be pumped to our coastal ports to power our desalination/carbon sequestration/ammonia fertiliser plants
The by product of the pyrolysis syngas production will be biochar a hi value product that could be used as a alternative fertiliser on our lands
should you like to invest in the garden gorilla please visit our investment page were we have a collection of investment options
Reducing the effects of climate change
Solar radiation management
Atmospheric electrochemical adaptation , This would knock climate change on the head in 15 years
As climate change takes hold of the planet Man struggles
with the right direction and plan , This is only one
part of the scenario , A possible direction for man kind
to defeat climate change , A fleet of nuclear climate fighting
battleships designed to last sixty years to bring us from 420
PPM too 280 PPM CO2e in the atmosphere our pre
industrial levels witch will offer safe and stable
The exact frequencies and wave lengths and transmitting
devices are yet to be determined on some of the project
, it requires a war like budget for research and
development and implementation ,I would suggest a budget
of 100 billion dollars per year,thats 1/1000 the of the
global yearly GDP that’s a pittance to ensure the survival
of the human race that’s 6 trillion over 60 years and
that is the time frame it will take rectify the climate
For only if we consider this a war shall we be
triumphant, The planet mobilized thousands of war ships
in 5 years of the second world war. why cant we do the
same , 160 vessels constructed over 15 years [2040] as well as
1000 land based transmission sites and 1000 tuned
resonance climate monitoring and or transmission sats
after all this is a global climate defence sheild ,SRM , Global
weather control system , That could be replicated and
updated in 60 years , I say 60 years because that is the
lifetime expectancy of the nuclear climate battle ships
and the land based transmission sites
boats/ Vessels to fight climate change via ocean iron
fertilisation and atmospheric electrochemical reactions
200 mt long 60 mtr wide super liner [exacts size to be determined ] 980 of them, Manufactered at the rate of @16 per year for 60 years of them the
battleship s of the war against climate change nuclear
powered with 500 MW each of mobile tuned resonance frequency
modulation , The variation and combinations are endless
Starting with large sets anodes and cathodes mounted to
the bottom of the boats generating iron sulphate via
electrochemical RF reaction ,stimulating and generating
the phytoplankton to feed on co2 Sequestering up to 10
GT per year co2e planet wide on the ocean , we will not
have to worry about the London protocol because were not
dumping anything rather were manufacturing right out of
thin air and all on site
Electrochemical ocean iron fertilization and alkalinity
enhancement approach toward CO2 sequestration – npj
Needs 160 vessels to of set 10 GT co2e per year that’s all
It will cost 1 trillion dollars to build over 15 years ,,2025//2040
@ 100 billionn dollars a year , I know it sounds like allot but when you consider,, that right now we are spending 2 trillion dollar a year globally on climate change
Ocean Sustainability
nature.com https://www.nature.com/articles/s44183-024-00064-8
Ocean electrochemical iron fertilisation PDF
Next on our tool list is ship deck mounted Ionic cloud
generators , That generate negatively charged ion Via
scalar wave generators low level biosphere/Troposphere
clouds for SRM , Charging the dimethyl sulphates and
cloud nuclei from the ocean to form clouds
Next on our tool list is project Lucy , ship mounted
microwave transmitter to target methane adaptation by
targeting the covalent bond and un couple the c H bonds
and converting the methane to co2 and diamonds , The
demands also generate a SRM deflection type reaction in
the stratosphere
That takes care of the biosphere and the
stratosphere and now for the ionosphere
Ship deck mounted Haap type radio transmitters 160
aerials to target the ionosphere for artificial plasma
cloud generation to deflect in coming solar radiation
we would also use the RF and plasma generation to
convert the covalent bond of co2 and break into c witch
falls to the earth and feed s the soil and 02 witch
rises from the to form ozone,, While also stimulating
phytoplankton in the ocean generating more oxygen that
will eventually converted to 03 ozone to plug the gaps in
the ozone layer , This could rectorate /adptate up 40 GT
of co2 per year , this would be a real game changer with
such a scenario allowing us to return to pre in industrial
co2 levels of 280 PPM and a safe and stable climate
WE could also use the haap array to charge existing
particles in the atmosphere to vibrate and deflect solar
radiation , No need to add any more forego particulate
we already have put enough up there , I would suggest we
target the methane and co2 molecules to begin with
WE could also turn the system up and down almost
instantly to accommodate the solar flare scenario or polar
flip , during these time the magnetosphere is extremely
The combination of these four RF/ plasma generation
technologies could also be used for the weather
generation and control network, I would suggest a global
weather control network , Utilising the 160 boats and
160 land based transmitters , ,
Located in countries to generate low level
cloud SRM and generate the transpiration hydrological
process water movement in the atmospheric rivers can be
easily directed to places of most needs .
Drought /forest
fires deserts , dry third world countries/food production
areas , as well as each country having scalar emitters
they would also have a haap transmitter each
forget about charging sires clouds were going to
redesign aircraft fuel so we don’t have the sulphur the
soot and the pollutants being emitted , A process of Quantum entanglement and nano synchronisation, this will save
lives , a bio fuel would have to be developed and
manufactured to clean up the air ways , we could also
take this opportunity to redesign the vapour trails to
better serve the control network and the planets bio
A satellite monitoring and atmospheric adaptation scenario
with 160 ,, ft x ft cube type sats or even up to 1 x 1 mtr
cube sats emitting tuned resonance frequencies that can
be tuned and programmed from afar as well as reporting
voluble atmospheric data/ for atmospheric manipulation
all controlled by quantum AI computing developed by
NASA//NOAH/ TELSTRA /European space agency the north
/ south / east /and / west of it
That’s 480 pieces of equipment and installations to be
constructed /built in the next 15 years target
operational by 2040 @ a cost of 1 trillion $$, The land sites to be powered by
solar wind and battery with gem set back up on 2 x 2 KM
the haaps to be at least the equivalent to Burbank’s
Alaska site
while the boats will be nuclear or oxygen powered
generating 400 MW of tuned resonance frequency
transmission capability
This is the way of the future especially if we can
conj our oxygen power generation
The planet will be around for billion of future years
but the atmosphere wont be , so we generate artificial
atmosphere now
No refuelling of vessels with dirty bunker fuels
[nuclear]no emissions, no mining ,or manufacturing of iron
sulphate s for ocean iron fertilisation and no mining or
manufacturing of iron chloride for enhanced methane
oxidisation ,No dumping of lime stone for enhance ocean
alkalinity , no spraying of sea water for marine cloud
bighting and no spraying of particle into the atmosphere
all to be charged vis RF / micro eave /next rad , All can be
achieved today via electro chemical reactions aboard
our climate battle ships with all but no carbon
emissions ,and no dumping of substances into the
, and no breaking of the London
protocol on dumping substances at sea ,
These boats and land based installation will be at the
front door fighting climate change on the front
line , This is only one in many tools that will be
required to defeat climate change
This scenario can reduce the global average temperature by
up to 5 DG , by simply turning turning it up or down ,,, like a
thermostat , able to react instantly to space weather
events and volcanoes eruptions and events, Storms cyclone s all being
driven and controlled by our climate weather control system
Research and development into
climate changing greenhouse gas s
T J Harvey
Strategic planning in climate engineering for
sustainable infrastructure development worldwide
This is where i would start
1000 oxygen power plants worldwide
Ground breaking technologies
Watch here
World wide carbon tax
Paid to and administered and regulated by the united nations global carbon fund
20 % carbon tariff should apply too all green house gas emitters
Eg 20 % on a barrel of oil
Eg 20 % on a tnn of coal
Eg 20 % on a kg of meat
Eg 20 % on, a tnn of cement produced ,
Eg 20 % on a tnn of Steel produced
Carbon tax world wide
Paid to a central carbon fund UNGCF
fund A 20 %of total sales of greenhouse gas Emitters
Creating a yearly fund of 2 trillion dollars
We really need this people, We are not going to even get close to net zero without it
So thats 2 trillion $$ a year divided into 195 countries and territories @ $$ 10 billion per each,, leaving 50 billion for UN to run its climate change loss and damage fund or any other UN funded program that can contribute to the course
Terence Harvey, strategic planning in climate engineering for sustainable development
We demand action, We need this now
We need a global carbon tax and we need it now. The time for talk, BLA BLA BLA is over
The planet is at a tipping point, It can’t wait, Time to stand up and make a legend of yourself. Vote as one
Worldwide carbon tax @
20 % carbon tariff should apply to all greenhouse gas polluters
Eg 20 % on a barrel of oil
Eg 20 % on a Tn of coal
Eg 20 % on a kg of meat
Eg 20 % on, a Tn cement produced,
Eg 20 % on a Tn Steel produced.
Etc. Etc. Etc
Paid to a central carbon fund UNGCF.
Administered and regulated by the United Nations Global Carbon Fund. UNGCF
fund A 20 %of total sales of greenhouse gas Emitting, polluters should pay for the mess
Creating a yearly fund of 2 trillion dollars
40 GT @ 50$ per tn = 2 trillion per year That is 10 billion per year For 195 countries and territories, So they can have any chance of reaching their net zero targets and fifty billion for the UNGCF, this will fund all the climate change , loss and damages fund and the UN’s global, humanitarian projects
I am Shaw you will all agree, that they deserve this fund and they do a great job for all the planet’s occupants
2 trillion per year
For 50 years That’s 100 trillion dollars to repair climate change. That is less than 2% of the global yearly gross GDP, So we can build and create utility infrastructure for hundreds of years. I can’t make it any simpler than that, please Global ambassadors help your people
The countries can utilize their funds to build the infrastructure required for a clean green future
carbon capture and storage facilities, organic carbon sinks
Research and development into CO2 reduction technology
Atmospheric reduction strategy
Waste too Energy
There’s 200 million tn s of waste plastic generated each year and less than 10 % is recycled it needs to be a cradle too cradle total waste management scenario [maybe even a plastic packaging surcharge ]
We convert plastic waste ,into carbon-neutral Syngas and bio diesel fuels, Full supply chain program , we will purchase plastics from Australia and worldwide waist plastic that would otherwise go to polluted land fills ,we will also process wind turbine blades ,old shredded tyres, and maybe even hospital waste considering most hospitals do not have a safe reliable way of managing there waste,
We plan do build our first plant in Coolgardie in mid/late 2028 [operational] with planing and development well under way with API chemi an Indian pyrolysis plant manufacturer , Currently at TEA development stage
If successful we plan too build 4 more plants in WA Northam / Albany / Geralton / Perth /Coolgardie , Five plants in total each producing 200 MW of electrical energy [Syngas and pyroil fuelled generators] plugged into the south west, north west, and the western central electricity grid , Suppling 1000 MW of clean green carbon newtral electricity and employing a cradle to cradle total waste management philosophy
Climate Goals
The goal: To limit global temperature increases to 1.5C, net global emissions need to fall from ~50 Gt CO2e per year today to net ~0 by 2050, and get halfway there by 2030.
There are two main levers to achieve that goal: (1) Emit less CO2e into the air in the first place. (2) Remove CO2 that’s already in the air.
Lever 1: How to reduce emissions. Global emissions can be decomposed into ‘supply’ (sources of emissions, largely dirty energy) and ‘demand’ (what or who uses the supply). To effectively reduce emissions, we have to address both supply and demand, as well as how they connect to each other. We need to reduce emissions from ~50 Gt CO2e per year today, to ~10 Gt by 2050.
Lever 2: How to increase carbon removal. Carbon removal can also be decomposed into supply (the technologies that remove carbon from the air and store it somewhere) and demand (the customers that pay to remove those tons of carbon). We need to increase carbon removal from ~0 Gt CO2e per year today, to ~10 Gt by 2050.
10-gigaton-scale negative emissions are necessary in essentially every emissions reduction scenario available.
We have no choice but to fund, research, and deploy them if we’re serious about keeping warming to 2 degrees; or close to it.
but We are not even close to being on track.
Negative emissions have been dramatically under funded in proportion to their importance. This needs to be fixed if we’re going to have a shot at reducing the cost enough to make 10-gigaton-scale deployment possible by mid-century. It will take likely take years or decades for basic research and pilot projects to scale and get cheap enough; so we need to start right now.
It’s very unlikely any one category of technology, or any one natural approach, will scale enough. We should think of a portfolio across all the approaches outlined here, as well as more I didn’t discuss or have yet to be discovered.
We face the defining problem of our generation; of the entire human project thus far. Climate spans physics, chemistry, ecology, geology, policy, technology, land use, human rights, and more. It’s time we take this seriously as a gigantic opportunity for human progress, and rally to solve it!
After 30 years the plants can be retrofitted or not ,, to harvest co2 from the atmophere DAC ,CCU, co2 spitting VIa plasma and RF and MW too split co2 add h2o , then covert to ch4 if required then add atmopheric nitrogen n2 then to nh3 ammonia to transport to the airfeild then further conveted to hydrogen for the fututre of air travel , This is all in the future , Our planes are not yet ready for h2 fuels and we neeed to clean up our mess ,,Maybe short hall electrical air travel will be the answer , So that is why i am recomending the investment in this technology , Today , Together we can make a difference , Leave the oils in the ground
Its not just climate change were fighting its population growth. with the planet expected too
grow to 10 billion people by 2050 , we are going too need all the water and food crops we can muster, and those people are going too need oxygen to breath
After that some sort of population growth scenarios will have too be planed with the planets
With population expected too double every 35 years
10 billlion people and 100 million climate refugees all looking for somewhere to go by 2050
Plant 1 trillion trees over fifty years , That’s 100 million for each country, each year on the planet
To offset 1 trillion tns of co2
This scenario will effectively remove the equivalent of 40 billion ton of carbon from the atmosphere annually and generate the equivalent of 2 trillion dollars gross value annually
The global gorilla will grow over the years to a multi trillion dollar company ,worldwide Employing tens of thousands of people
So drive the future and offset your existence
And invest today people
site is currently under construction. Please visit regularly for updates
The Global gorilla plans to build 5 Waste to energy pyrolysis reactor plant s in western Australia
Starting in Coolgardie then Albany , Geraldton. Northam
and Perth
Fuel by PET plastics / old Tyres /and old wind turbines
We will generate enough fuel to power a 200 MW electrical power station
feeding into the main western Australian network
All carbon neutral energy
T J Harvey
Stratigic planning in climate enginerring
for sustainable infulstructure developmemt
Jim Lee at his site it is the most comprehensive
and up to date site on the net