The energy gorilla
The fuel and energy complex is the basis of the economy of any country. The successful development of not only all sectors of the national economy, but also the standard of living in the country as a whole depends on its condition. At the same time, about a quarter of the world’s population does not have access to electricity. Most of these people live in rural, remote areas of the world’s poorest countries.
This project provides for the creation of a highly efficient alternative environmentally friendly source of renewable cheap energy.
An initiative group of scientists and engineers from Ukraine, which has been working in the field of creating new technologies for many years, has developed a fundamentally new and very powerful alternative source of cheap renewable and environmentally friendly energy – an oxygen power plant.
This is an innovative development that can turn the generally accepted ideas about energy in general. In this project, the pure oxygen ionization process is used for the first time to generate heat without the use of additional fuel. The generated heat is converted into mechanical and then into electrical energy.
This is a highly efficient breakthrough technology that can provide cheap energy for all the needs of mankind for the entire time of its existence and regardless of the growth of its population in the future and the growth of its consumption of any type of energy.
At the same time, oxygen energy technology is very economically beneficial, both for energy consumers and manufacturers of such power plants of various capacities and for various consumers.
Below are diagrams comparing several common types of electricity generation, including the promising oxygen energy represented by this project.
1. Unit cost of construction of power plants with different types of electricity generation (in thousands of dollars per 1 kW of maximum power of the plant).
2. The average cost of electricity produced by various types of power plants (in $ cents per 1 kWh ).
3.Area occupied by various types of power plants per 100 MW/h of their capacity (in hectares).
The area occupied by a solar power plant of this capacity will be about 400 hectares, so it is not shown on the diagram.
From these diagrams, it can be seen that oxygen energy, in terms of technical and financial characteristics, is several times superior to all existing types of energy generation. With its development, it will be out of competition in the global energy market. Moreover, oxygen energy will open up such opportunities for related technologies in mechanical engineering, transport, construction and other areas that we don’t even think about today because of the high cost of energy.
Man needs energy like air, and the proposed project solves this problem.
This unit is an original heat engine that uses atmospheric oxygen as fuel. When operating this machine, there are such points that you should pay attention to:
- In this heat engine there is no fuel combustion (oxidation) process, as in conventional engines, although the thermal process also serves as the basis for its operation. It uses not a chemical, but a physical process for the release of thermal energy.
- An oxygen heat engine uses less oxygen to generate a certain amount of energy than any existing heat engine, and without the use of hydrocarbon fuel.
- The volume of oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere is more than 1.5 × 10 15 tons, and if we assume that the entire earthly civilization would completely switch to oxygen energy, then for hundreds of years less than 1% of oxygen from all oxygen would pass through heat engines, which exists in the Earth’s atmosphere. Oxygen would be an ideal fuel, even without its recovery. And he still fully recovers.
- The ecological situation on Earth is threatened not by the consumption of its oxygen, but by the pollution of the atmosphere by the products of hydrocarbon fuel oxidation, which are emitted by existing thermal engines.
Oxygen energy is an environmentally friendly, safe, unaffected by any catastrophes, endless future of mankind and earthly energy.
The oxygen power plant proposed by this project is a complex heat engine that uses oxygen as its fuel. Several constructive options for such a power plant have been developed, but in this project we want to focus on one of them, which was developed last and is the cheapest and most quickly feasible. Such an installation will visually and in its operation be similar to a steam engine.
The oxygen power plant consists of a complex of units that are designed to perform various work functions:
- The oxygen station releases oxygen from the atmosphere, providing power plant with oxygen in direct-flow mode.
- The oxygen processor here is combined directly with the mechanism for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy. The processor ensures the implementation of controlled oxygen ionization with heat release and makes this process fully automatic, and also transfers thermal energy to the energy conversion mechanism (power engine).
- The power motor allows you to convert the thermal energy of the installation into mechanical or electrical energy.
A kilogram of oxygen, passing through the processor of such an installation, releases about 15 MJ of thermal energy. In this case, the overall efficiency of the oxygen power plant is up to 50%.
When such a power plant operates in the mode of a thermal power plant, its efficiency will be up to 80%.
A characteristic feature of the oxygen power plant is that when it is used as a power plant, it can operate in a fully automatic mode and independently adapt to changes in the load connected to it, maintaining the required current frequency. At the same time, load fluctuations can change at least 10 times – the power plant will operate uninterruptedly, stably and with maximum efficiency, since the operating power of the station will proportionally change along with the load change.
Another feature of such an electric or thermal station is the possibility of its manufacture in a mobile version (on heavy vehicles), and this possibility remains for stations with a capacity of up to 3-5 MW. This will allow, in case of any emergencies, to quickly and efficiently provide the affected areas with heat and electricity.
The proposed project is very beneficial for its participants (developers and investors). This project provides for the creation of a prototype oxygen power plant and its further sale to a third party, along with all rights to its technology, or the organization of mass production of such power plants of various capacities and purposes.
The project figures below refer to the project implementation option in Ukraine and with the cooperation of the investor with a private developer group. When an investor cooperates with a private enterprise in Ukraine, the cost of project implementation increases by 30%.
When implementing this project in the territory of inexpensive countries of Eastern Europe, the cost of its implementation increases by 50-80%.
The proposed project will be implemented in 2 phases.
The first stage of the project.
The first stage of the proposed project involves the creation of a simple pulsed non-automatic oxygen processor, demonstrating the possibility of safely extracting thermal energy from oxygen. That is, this processor will demonstrate the operability of the principle of oxygen energy.
The main characteristics of the first stage of the project:
The cost of project implementation (required investments) – $ 3 million.
The project implementation period is up to 12 months.
The implementation of the first stage of the project will allow not only to demonstrate the operation of the oxygen energy mechanism, but also to work out the optimal operating modes and safety system for the future power plant, as well as solve some other tasks of the project.
As stated above, the first phase of the project will be implemented in 12 months. However, work on the second stage of the project can be started even before the completion of the first stage of the project. Starting from the 8-9th month after the start of work on the project. This will reduce the duration of the entire project by 3-4 months.
The second stage of the project.
The second stage of the proposed project provides for the creation of a prototype of an autonomous oxygen power plant of low power (30-100 kW). That is, it will be an already completed product, suitable both for sale and for scaling.
The main characteristics of the first stage of the project:
The cost of project implementation (required investments) – $ 15 million.
The project implementation period is up to 18 months.
The cost of land and site works 2 million
Total 20 million.
The proposed project for the creation of a new generation thermal power plant has a great positive impact on reducing the load on the Earth’s ecology. The implementation of this project will make it possible to reduce emissions of carbon dioxide, nitrogen oxides and other toxic substances into the Earth’s atmosphere, and in 25 years to reduce them to zero.
The proposed project will also have a very strong social impact on the various processes taking place around the world, and its positive impact will have the form of a chain reaction.
The availability of cheap energy anywhere on the Earth and in unlimited quantities will expand the use of the benefits of electricity to almost all inhabitants of the Earth, regardless of their economic status and their distance from traditional energy sources.
A decrease in the cost of energy will inevitably lead to a decrease in the cost of any goods, including food products, which again is aimed at improving the living standards of the poorest segments of the planet’s population. This will also lead to an increase in the production of food crops, as there will be no need to use huge areas of cultivated land for the production of industrial crops, which are now used to produce biofuels. This will increase the area under the cultivation of food, which again is beneficial in terms of providing the world’s poorest people with affordable food.
The reduction in the cost of heat and electricity will lead to a significant reduction in the cost of utilities, which will positively affect the budgets of settlements and save money directly by the residents of these settlements. The cost of transport services will also significantly decrease, which will lead to a decrease in the cost of transported goods. The increase in the welfare of ordinary people, which will inevitably come from the reduction in the cost of energy, will increase their purchasing power. People will start buying more other goods, and this will revive the world market.
And finally, making cheap energy available anywhere in the world will make senseless the military and political conflicts that are increasingly driven by the desire to control fossil fuel sources.
The oxygen power plant described above is an alternative energy unit capable of generating absolutely clean thermal, mechanical or electrical energy, without any environmental pollution. For energy or power plants of any capacity, developed on the basis of the new technologies described above, absolutely no fuel is required.
Consequently, such power plants can be located in any area, in close proximity to residential or industrial facilities, for which they are intended to provide energy . At the same time, there is no need for expensive multi-kilometer power lines, which, moreover, are easily subject to destruction under internal and external negative influences: energy overload of lines, terrorist attacks, destructive natural phenomena.
This project can help solve several major problems of the earth’s civilization and deserves special attention from potential investors.
According to the developers, the proposed project for the introduction of oxygen energy is capable of bringing a significant increase in the level of well-being of all inhabitants of the Earth, and providing all its direct participants with a high and stable income. watch here https://youtu.be/mWauOXjUppU
The team working on the technologies of the oxygen energy project and other new technologies was formed back in 1995. The team included more than 40 scientists and engineers.
This team has been cooperating in the field of new technologies with various Ukrainian enterprises and institutions for many years. Dozens of different machines were developed for industry, forestry, agriculture, the army, but due to lack of funding, most of the work did not even reach the creation of prototypes of these machines. In total, 12 samples of machines and systems were created in metal, which showed the high efficiency of new technologies, but did not go into series due to lack of funding.
In 2015, the team began working with ION-EST, with which they carried out joint research and development work, and a few years ago they started looking for partners abroad.
For this reason, we have started negotiations with many potential partners from all over the world. At the moment, a group of potential partners has formed, who, according to them, are ready to enter our project. There is an agreement on the terms of cooperation, which, due to the unstable political situation in Ukraine, are trying to transfer the implementation of the project to other countries – from China to Australia and Canada.
The main developer of oxygen energy technologies first became acquainted with the internal energy of oxygen released during its explosion back in 1989, observing the explosion of an oxygen cylinder for no apparent reason.
For a long time he studied various cases of explosions of oxygen tanks, which often caused severe destruction of the buildings where these explosions occurred. One feature of these explosions did not give him rest, namely, that their strength was always different – in equivalent: from several hundred grams to 30 kilograms of TNT.
By studying the causes that could lead to these explosions, the developer tried to develop a mechanism that would allow him to control the energy that is released during an explosion of oxygen. By 2000, the general concept of such a mechanism had been worked out, but there was no practical solution to this problem.
Another problem was obtaining pure oxygen in a fairly simple way.
But even here a lot of time was lost in an attempt to develop an installation that would extract oxygen from water by decomposing it into oxygen and hydrogen. At the same time , the energy of the resulting hydrogen supplied to the engine and burned with atmospheric air should have been spent on the decomposition of water, and the oxygen obtained in this way should be used to obtain useful energy.
By 2006, the fundamental design of such a power plant had been worked out, but it turned out that it was structurally quite complex (multi-pass). In the same year, a new decision came – and not to use oxygen obtained from air in the power plant. A variant of such a power plant and the impact of its mass application on the environment were calculated. It turned out that such an installation is much easier to manufacture and much more efficient in operation.
In 2008, the developer got acquainted with the works, on the same topic, by the Russian physicist E.I. Andreev (E.I. Andreev is a Russian physicist, developed the theory of fuel-free combustion for 15 years, worked for the Russian Ministry of Defense for a long time). But, studying the works of Andreev, we noticed that he either goes the wrong way, or deliberately distorts the results of his work, trying to publish his work, and, at the same time, hide (veil) the real essence of its results.
Now it is already impossible to find out the true reasons for his delusions, since he died, but he made the main conclusion of his work – THE PROCESS OF COMBUSTION OF CHEMICAL FUEL DOES NOT EXIST IN NATURE .
In our work, we came to the same conclusion: in the process of interaction of chemical fuel with oxygen, oxygen energy is released, and chemical fuel serves only as a catalyst for this process. The same catalyst can be hard radiation, electric arc, mechanical shock, wave processes, and so on, under the influence of which no oxidation occurs (there is nothing to be oxidized), but energy is released from oxygen.
In our work, we are little concerned about the theory of the process of energy release by oxygen. We are interested in the possibility of using this process for practical purposes. Nevertheless, we made many calculations that confirm the main conclusion made by Andreev, although they do not coincide with either his technical solutions or his theoretical justification for the ongoing processes.
Starting in 2009, our group of oxygen energy project enthusiasts began to promote this work in terms of its practical use for energy production. We carried out a series of some experiments that confirmed the possibility of obtaining energy from oxygen, including oxygen present in the Earth’s atmosphere – that is, ordinary atmospheric air, although using atmospheric air, the amount of energy released is only twice the amount of energy of air as a compressed gas .
Our work now allows us to carry out high-precision theoretical calculations of all nodes of the oxygen power plant and all processes occurring in these nodes, including the theoretical substantiation of these processes.
Today we can state that oxygen can release energy in the amount of about 4 kW/ h per kilogram of oxygen (15 MJ/kg).
But, there is a high probability that the indicated amount of energy released by oxygen is far from the entire energy that oxygen can release under the catalytic conditions created in the oxygen reactor of the installation.
We have found several technical solutions that allow us to create such a power plant of any capacity (except for low-power plants, since the production technologies of our project partner enterprises do not allow us to make the necessary high-precision units and parts of small sizes).
We stopped this work due to the lack of funding, which is now needed to create an experimental oxygen power plant (for example, a modular power plant with a capacity of 1 MW), and to continue bench experiments necessary to determine the optimal operating modes of all components and assemblies.
We also need to work out the automation mechanisms that would support the operation of the power plant and all its components in the optimal operating mode. Such automation will be non-switchable and will not allow, either accidentally or deliberately, to bring at least one of the units of the power plant to its supercritical mode of operation (overload mode, threatening a thermal explosion). It is also necessary to test various materials that will best withstand working conditions in an aggressive environment (hot ionized oxygen). At the indicated experimental oxygen power plant, its optimal operating modes will be worked out, work processes will be debugged, and comprehensive tests of the entire plant and its individual components and assemblies will be carried out.
This plant will be (together with the technology that powers it) a product of the proposed project that can be sold to another person. Also, the project installation can serve as a demonstration working installation for potential investors to scale the project or buyers for project licenses and finished products – serial power plants of various capacities and purposes.
Traditionally, it is believed that fuel is burning, which is endowed from above with this property – the calorific value of the fuel. It is used to calculate the power of heat release during combustion and explosion (rapid combustion). Since the time of Lavoisier ( 1773 г.), combustion has been identified with the chemical reaction of fuel oxidation. From these premises, the corresponding traditional methods for optimizing combustion processes follow, both in terms of fuel economy and ecology associated with the harmfulness of combustion products.
However, the oxidizing agent, pure oxygen, is known to explode in the presence of trace hydrocarbons (fuel, lubricating oil, organic gaskets). The huge power of the explosion does not correspond in any way to the calorific value of those micrograms of “traces”, for example oil, that caused this explosion. Moreover, oxygen explodes in general in the absence of hydrocarbons, for example, from a sharp blow, radiation, etc. These facts show that it is not the fuel that burns, but the oxidizer – oxygen, and the fuel, as it were, is not needed at all.
In accordance with the stated facts and known physical phenomena, a combustion mechanism has been developed. Briefly, it consists in the fact that in a plasma (flame) an electron having a negative charge interacts electrodynamically with a positive oxygen ion (atom), pulling out small positively charged particles from its surface. Flying out at high speed, these particles give off kinetic energy to the plasma, heating it, and are removed in the form of photons of light. Due to the lost particles, the oxygen atom acquires a defect (deficit) of mass, which is approximately one millionth of a percent. Such a slight loss allows oxygen to retain its chemical properties and is replenished in natural conditions.
As can be seen, according to modern non-traditional ideas, ordinary combustion is an atomic process of partial decomposition (splitting) of oxygen. During combustion, fuel is a donor (supplier) of free electrons to the plasma. At the end of the energy release process, the initial products that formed the plasma are converted into combustion products – oxides. Thus, oxidation is not the cause and essence of the fuel combustion process, but its consequence.
From the physical mechanism of combustion follow, in addition to those mentioned above, other optimization measures that allow the destruction of oxygen molecules into atoms and free electrons. This is achieved by treating the air with magnetic, electrical and light fluxes, which makes it possible to reduce fuel consumption, for example, in internal combustion engines, by two or more times, and in the future to completely abandon fuel. At the same time, the environment does not suffer, and due to the exclusion of fuel, there will be no harmful oxides in the combustion products at all.
Successfully carried out large-scale field development work confirms the environmental and economic efficiency of new energy technologies based on natural energy.
Using the principle of fuelless combustion, natural energy installations can be developed: gas turbine plants, internal and external combustion engines, and thermal boiler plants.
In the world, a large number of scientists, engineers, specialists, inventors, practitioners, small and large enterprises and organizations locally solve tactical problems of improving and developing the energy sector. However, the lack of a coherent theory and the crisis of classical physics have so far prevented success in this matter. The approach of the energy crisis, which is based on the fuel problem of the Earth – the problem of the depletion of organic and nuclear fuel reserves, as well as the negative impact of traditional energy on nature and people, up to the possibility of the disappearance of civilization, is felt steadily and faster.
With the transition of energy to an air or fuel-free cycle, it becomes possible to create personal power plants for a home or a separate enterprise that generate electrical and thermal energy.
The absence of the need for fuel for such installations and the ubiquitous availability of air provides them with absolute autonomy and creates the necessary conditions for their operation anywhere in the world. This not only eliminates the need for complex and expensive electrical and thermal networks that are subject to the destructive influence of natural or human factors, but also allows solving many common human problems – reducing environmental pollution, eliminating the cause of energy wars, transport problems, etc.
Despite the great experience of using in practice, combustion processes remain one of the most difficult for scientific study. The science of combustion is highly interdisciplinary, lying at the intersection of such scientific disciplines as gas dynamics, chemical thermodynamics, chemical kinetics, molecular and chemical physics, heat and mass transfer, quantum chemistry and physics, materials science and computer modeling.
At its core, this process remains incomprehensible to this day and its descriptions are based on various scientific theories, starting from the time of Priestley, Scheele and Lavoisier. According to these theories, the combustion process with the release of thermal energy occurs as a result of the combination of various chemical elements with oxygen while creating the necessary conditions for this process to occur.
That is, chemical elements (hydrogen, carbon, etc.) are fuel, which releases thermal energy when interacting with oxygen. In this case, oxygen was called the oxidizing agent of the process. EXACTLY IN THIS STATEMENT IS THE MAIN MISTAKE OF THE SCIENTISTS INVOLVED IN THESE PROCESSES.
In fact, during the combustion process, thermal energy is released precisely by oxygen, which is the fuel, and the chemical elements that react with oxygen are catalysts for the process of energy release from oxygen. But, since the amount of energy released does not change due to a change in the names of the fuel and catalyst – after all, the sum does not change from the rearrangement of the terms – no one noticed this error.
And it is quite easy to understand that a mistake was made in the names of the fuel and catalyst, and the Russian physicist E. N. Andreev was the first to pay attention to this 40 years ago, and he developed his theory of fuel-free combustion, confirming its conclusions with practical experiments. His theory is quite complicated and the theoretical justifications for the mechanism of energy release by oxygen are not correct, but he still made the correct conclusions – OXYGEN IS A SUBSTANCE THAT RELEASES ENERGY IN THE COMBUSTION PROCESS.
OXYGEN IS A FUEL. In fact, oxygen can also release energy without combustion – without the participation of other chemicals. This can be easily seen on the example of practical or speculative experiments.
A fuel can only be called a substance that is capable of releasing energy.
In order to understand who is right in the question – what is fuel – it is not at all necessary to build a hadron collider or fusion reactor. You can get by with a simple speculative experiment based on public knowledge or on the life experience of the experimenter himself.
Experiment #1
Let’s take a canister with 20 kilograms of gasoline and place it in a chamber with an atmosphere in which there is no oxygen or in a vacuum. Official science believes that the calorific value (energy reserve) of 20 kilograms of gasoline is about 900 MJ.
Try to set fire to or explode this gasoline without the presence of oxygen. You won’t succeed. Complete combustion of this amount of gasoline requires the participation of 60 kilograms of oxygen.
But, 60 kilograms of oxygen can themselves release 900 MJ of thermal energy, and its release does not require the presence of any other substance. Enough mechanical shock or electrical discharge.
Let’s take another fuel instead of gasoline, for example, 1 kilogram of hydrogen. It is believed that 1 kilogram of hydrogen is capable of releasing 120 MJ of energy, but only when it is combined with 8 kilograms of oxygen. But, 8 kilograms of oxygen are capable of releasing the same 120 MJ of energy and generally without the participation of hydrogen or any other “fuel”.
So why do we need gasoline or hydrogen at all then? Or other fuel? Oxygen is able to release a certain amount of energy in combination with this fuel or without it. And the amount of energy released by oxygen will be the same in both cases.
Experiment #2
Let’s take a standard oxygen cylinder with a volume of 40 liters, which contains oxygen at a pressure of 15 MPa. This cylinder contains about 8.5 kilograms of oxygen. The energy of this oxygen, as a compressed gas, is about 1.8 MJ.
But what happens if you put a few drops of oil at the outlet of the cylinder and open the cylinder valve? After all, oil cannot get into the cylinder, because it has a pressure of 15 MPa. However, the cylinder will explode, and the power of this explosion can reach 125 MJ (equivalent to 30 kilograms of TNT or 2.8 kilograms of gasoline).
Please note that the energy reserve, as a compressed gas, is 1.8 MJ, and during an explosion up to 125 MJ or 70 times more is released. Where did this energy come from? From a few drops of oil that couldn’t even get into the balloon? No, it’s the energy given off by oxygen.
Now tell me what is actually a fuel – hydrocarbons or oxygen?
Today, various institutions and scientists in many countries of the world deal with the problems of unstable oxygen states. Of those we know about:
– one institute in Belarus,
– 5 institutes in Russia,
– no one but us in Ukraine,
– there are rumors that NASA is working on this problem,
– there are rumors that this problem is being dealt with in Germany (at our suggestion),
– Center for Aerospace Research in Guangzhou, China (with our submission),
– there are a lot of institutes and laboratories in the world, about the work of which we know nothing, but information about our work has already spread around the world and it is hard to imagine that no one was secretly doing this in other countries.
An interesting question arises: Are all these institutions and individual scientists engaged in a non-existent problem?
But it’s not that they do it, but their approach to work and how they try to solve it. And with their approach, this problem, in principle, cannot be solved. Therefore, they will never be able to create competition for us in this work.
From the information that we have, we can conclude that various scientists are interested in the problem of unstable oxygen states from a theoretical point of view – how this happens, and for what reason. In their reasoning, they often go into the jungle of elementary physics, arguing about the possible interactions of yet undiscovered elementary particles.
From a practical point of view, no one went beyond the elementary activation of small portions of oxygen in various ways, with the exception of the previously mentioned physicist E. I. Andreev, who made good progress on the path of experiments, but, in connection with his death, his work lab has been discontinued. The generator of ideas died, and the continuation of work turned out to be beyond the capacity of simple performers.
We were initially interested in the problem of oxygen energy from a practical rather than an academic point of view: there is a phenomenon of the release of large energy – it is required to find a way to ensure its safe use. Later, our group studied and calculated the processes that occur with oxygen during its activation and the causes that cause spontaneous activation of oxygen.
The possibility of practical use of energy release by oxygen depends on the solution of several, purely technical problems that no one has been able to solve at the moment, but we were able to do it.
1). Activation of oxygen (the process of spontaneous release of oxygen energy).
There are many known ways to activate oxygen: heat, electric discharge, mechanical shock, irradiation, chemical catalysis, etc.
However, for our power plant, we have developed our own way of activating oxygen.
2). Creation of an active zone in which any portion of oxygen would be instantly and spontaneously activated (zones with catalytic conditions). This task has not been solved by anyone but us today.
For these purposes, we have developed a special oxygen reactor.
3). Ensuring a safe mode of oxygen activation (in the explosion of oxygen, energy is released 3.5 times more than in the explosion of TNT). This problem has not yet been solved by anyone.
We have developed a pulsed oxygen processor for this purpose.
4). Feeding the active zone of an oxygen reactor with new portions of oxygen. This is a difficult task, which involves the supply of oxygen to the reactor core and with virtually no energy consumption. The task, from the point of view of physics or technology, seems unsolvable – it is necessary to supply, without energy expenditure, any portion of oxygen to the active zone, where enormous temperature and enormous pressure reign.
We have solved this problem and developed a power supply mechanism for the oxygen reactor, with virtually no energy consumption.
5). Possibility of practical use of ionized oxygen having high temperature and very high pressure.
We have solved this problem by developing a thermobaric stabilizer, which without loss reduces the temperature and pressure of the working gas to a state at which it can be used in power units – turbines or reciprocating engines.
In this way, we not only dealt with the processes that occur during the activation (spontaneous dissociation) of oxygen, but also solved all the technical problems that ensure the practical creation of an oxygen power plant.
We started our oxygen energy project as engineers, not as scientists, and our task did not include research on why energy can be released from ordinary oxygen in large volumes.
We knew about the release of energy by oxygen, we observed this phenomenon more than once, and even provoked it ourselves. Therefore, we, as engineers and pragmatists, began to study the conditions under which this process would occur with the least energy costs and in a controlled manner. That is, not in the form of an explosion, but with a smooth and constant release of energy.
This was necessary in order to develop not a theory of what is happening with a very distant perspective, but to create mechanisms that make it possible even now to use the process of energy release by oxygen for practical purposes. And we developed such mechanisms, which led to the project of creating an experimental oxygen power plant.
That is, when starting to work on the oxygen power plant project, we were ready to use the long-known process of energy release by oxygen, although we did not understand what led to this energy release.
Don’t be surprised by this approach to the project.
Nuclear energy has been used for practical purposes for almost 70 years, but there are still phenomena in it that science cannot yet explain. However, this does not prevent either the creation or use of nuclear power plants in practice.
Now we already know what exactly causes the release of energy by oxygen and this discovery is worthy of the Nobel Prize, but is the Nobel Prize worthy of it?
This discovery, as well as the principle of operation of the mechanisms of the oxygen power plant, are the biggest secrets of the project.
Some of them I can reveal to you.
The first thing to understand is that in the description of the process of combustion (oxidation) of fuel, made by Lavoisier two and a half centuries ago, a mistake was made. Two components are involved in the process of fuel combustion – oxygen and carbon (or hydrogen). Lavoisier called oxygen an oxidizer and hydrocarbons a fuel. And since then, all scientists and engineers (or almost all) developing various heat engines have made their calculations based on the mechanism of fuel oxidation. And this error is still used today.
But, in science, such errors are not uncommon. One can recall at least the geocentric scheme of the world order described by Ptolemy in the first century AD. After all, this theory of Ptolemy was considered correct for almost 14 centuries, until the appearance of Copernicus.
But what is Lavoisier’s mistake? He correctly calculated the release of energy from the oxidation process. He made a mistake only in the definitions – he called oxygen an oxidizing agent, and he called hydrocarbons a fuel. And since the result does not change from a rearrangement of the terms, no one was particularly interested in the original reasons for the release of energy when two components are added.
In the theory developed by us, it is oxygen that is the fuel, and hydrocarbons are only catalysts for the process of energy release from oxygen.
We can provide our partner with detailed confirmation of our correctness in this matter. The confirmations are so simple, understandable and convincing that at a round table meeting with our engineers, any opponent will turn into an adherent of this project in 2-3 hours. We are ready to provide such arguments, but only to our partner. Of course, we will not teach those interested in what we have come to with hard work and considerable expenses.
● I want to draw your special attention to the fact that our approach to solving this problem is very different from the standard approaches that exist in classical science.
When describing the operation of an oxygen power plant, we, of course, try to hide the principle of operation of the proposed plants, keeping the secret of the “black box”, but at the same time, the materials we provide are compiled in such a way as to give the interested person a sufficient idea of the problems of their creation, and methods their decisions.
Anticipating some of the questions that investors or experts may have about our setup, and which we have heard more than once, I provide some additional explanations on it.
1. Difference between discovery and invention
Many physicists, who, one way or another, dealt with the described effect of the release of excess energy during the “burning” of oxygen, were more interested in describing the ongoing process – compiling a chemical or physical formula that would scientifically describe the origin of energy and from what reactions. In other words, they are interested in DISCOVERY , for which you can get the Nobel Prize, genius laurels and world recognition. And in this work, without an experimental setup on which it is possible to make the necessary analyzes and measurements, it is possible to put forward only various theories, without their practical confirmation. Which is what usually happens, and as usual, these theories do not stand up to scrutiny. More than once I had to break up such theories put forward by seemingly reputable scientists, but at the same time, unable to carry out calculations of the theoretical justification that they bring under their theories.
We are interested in the INVENTION , which allows us to use the existing natural phenomenon for the practical production of excess energy, and we absolutely do not care what process, at the atomic or molecular level, occurs in our installation. At the same time, we have some thoughts on this subject, and, presumably, they are much closer to the truth than any other theory, but this is a completely different topic.
As an example, I will give a simple analogy – very few people who use computers are familiar with their device and principle of operation (with theory), but this does not prevent them from using a computer in practice. Or another example – for 70 years mankind has been using atomic energy, without a complete understanding of the processes of decay of matter.
The unit proposed by the project is a thermal power plant capable of generating absolutely clean thermal, mechanical or electrical energy, without any environmental pollution. The fuel element of this installation is atmospheric oxygen, which, after passing through the installation, returns to the surrounding atmosphere, where it completely restores its properties. No additional fuel is required for the operation of this installation.
There are several theories according to which, like Andreev, energy is released during combustion processes only due to oxygen, and the chemicals (fuel) used in this process – oil, gas, coal – serve only as a catalyst for the reaction of releasing oxygen energy. In this case, it is oxygen that is the fuel, and other means (not substances) that do not lead to the formation and emission of chemically harmful substances into the atmosphere can be used for catalysis.
It is on this principle that the operation of our power plant, proposed under the project, is built.
For the first time, we proposed a thermal installation that operates on other principles for obtaining thermal energy, where there is neither combustion nor atomic decay. This energy is based on the implementation of a controlled reaction and ionization of oxygen, while creating artificial conditions for the catalysis of this process, with the release of heat.
How does an oxygen reactor work?
In the core of an oxygen reactor, catalytic conditions are created for the activation of oxygen (individual portions of oxygen supplied to the core of the reactor with virtually no energy consumption). In the reactor, spontaneous ionization of miniature portions of oxygen occurs with the release of a large amount of heat at high pressure. From the reactor, high-temperature gas enters the thermobaric stabilizer, where its pressure and temperature are reduced to levels at which its use becomes safe.
Such a thermal installation can be used as a calorific unit (burner) for boilers of heating systems, boilers of steam power plants, power plants, etc. The “combustion” products of such power units, emitted into the atmosphere, are practically non-toxic, which makes these energy sources environmentally friendly.
In an oxygen reactor, approximately the same process occurs as in a trivial explosion of an oxygen cylinder, only the physical (not chemical) reaction of oxygen, leading to the explosion of a cylinder, occurs spontaneously (unpredictably), and in the reactor this process proceeds smoothly and is controlled automatically .
What is the added power of this process?
The magnitude of the additional power of the oxygen reaction can be determined empirically and confirmed experimentally, which has already been done more than once, but how can this be done without revealing the principle of operation of the oxygen reactor and the entire power plant as a whole?
The easiest way to calculate the power of this process is by the example of an oxygen cylinder explosion. Using simple calculations, we determine the energy reserve of the compressed gas of a fully filled oxygen cylinder (volume – 40 liters, pressure – 15 MPa, mass of compressed oxygen – 8,5 кг) at 1.8 MJ or 0.5 kW / h.
When such a cylinder explodes, energy is released, which is about 30 кгTNT equivalent (more than 125 MJ or 35 kW / h).
As can be seen from the foregoing, the energy released during the explosion of an oxygen cylinder is 70 times greater than the energy stored by the compressed gas pumped into it.
Many believe that the explosion of an oxygen cylinder releases only the energy stored in it in the form of compressed gas, but then how to explain the enormous destructive power of such an explosion? After all, the explosion of an oxygen cylinder can destroy a five-story building or a large workshop. And there are many such cases.
Is it worth believing that the release of 6 cubic meters of oxygen from a destroyed cylinder is capable of raising the pressure in a workshop with a volume of 6 thousand cubic meters, and raising it enough to destroy the walls and floor panels?
One more thing. Has anyone heard that such destruction was caused by the explosion of the same cylinder with the same pressure, only filled with ordinary air or nitrogen? No such cases have been recorded.
These facts are sufficient to conclude that oxygen is not at all the same as ordinary air or another gas. Oxygen, when certain catalytic conditions are created, is capable of exploding with the release of energy many times greater than that stored in it in the form of compressed gas, which means it can be used as fuel.
The maximum energy density that oxygen can release at the first level of its transformation is about 4.1 kW / h per 1 kilogram of oxygen used.
According to calculations, all direct total energy costs for ensuring the operation of this installation will be about 10-12% of the work of its output. Additional losses – the efficiency of compressors, the power unit and other units of the installation, will take away the same amount of energy from the work of its output. This means that the oxygen plant will use about ¼ of the energy it generates to operate all its systems. The remaining ¾ is useful work – electricity and / or heat for consumers.
Of course, this is much lower than that of a conventional diesel engine, where all the costs of ensuring its operation (electric generator, pump, fuel pump, friction forces) are no more than 10% of the total engine power. But, this is without taking into account the energy costs for extraction, transportation, processing, and refueling – those costs that the oxygen plant with its “fuel” carries out directly on site. At the same time, in terms of efficiency (efficiency factor), a diesel engine is significantly inferior to a direct-flow oxygen power plant: 36% versus 60%.
What is the added power of this process?
The magnitude of the additional power of the oxygen reaction can be determined empirically and confirmed experimentally, which has already been done more than once, but how can this be done without revealing the principle of operation of the oxygen reactor and the entire power plant as a whole?
The easiest way to calculate the power of this process is by the example of an oxygen cylinder explosion. Using simple calculations, we determine the energy reserve of the compressed gas of a fully filled oxygen cylinder (volume – 40 liters, pressure – 15 MPa, mass of compressed oxygen – 8,5 кг) at 1.8 MJ or 0.5 kW / h.
When such a cylinder explodes, energy is released, which is about 30 кгTNT equivalent (more than 125 MJ or 35 kW / h).
As can be seen from the foregoing, the energy released during the explosion of an oxygen cylinder is 70 times greater than the energy stored by the compressed gas pumped into it.
Many believe that the explosion of an oxygen cylinder releases only the energy stored in it in the form of compressed gas, but then how to explain the enormous destructive power of such an explosion? After all, the explosion of an oxygen cylinder can destroy a five-story building or a large workshop. And there are many such cases.
Is it worth believing that the release of 6 cubic meters of oxygen from a destroyed cylinder is capable of raising the pressure in a workshop with a volume of 6 thousand cubic meters, and raising it enough to destroy the walls and floor panels?
One more thing. Has anyone heard that such destruction was caused by the explosion of the same cylinder with the same pressure, only filled with ordinary air or nitrogen? No such cases have been recorded.
These facts are sufficient to conclude that oxygen is not at all the same as ordinary air or another gas. Oxygen, when certain catalytic conditions are created, is capable of exploding with the release of energy many times greater than that stored in it in the form of compressed gas, which means it can be used as fuel.
The maximum energy density that oxygen can release at the first level of its transformation is about 4.1 kW / h per 1 kilogram of oxygen used.
According to calculations, all direct total energy costs for ensuring the operation of this installation will be about 10-12% of the work of its output. Additional losses – the efficiency of compressors, the power unit and other units of the installation, will take away the same amount of energy from the work of its output. This means that the oxygen plant will use about ¼ of the energy it generates to operate all its systems. The remaining ¾ is useful work – electricity and / or heat for consumers.
Of course, this is much lower than that of a conventional diesel engine, where all the costs of ensuring its operation (electric generator, pump, fuel pump, friction forces) are no more than 10% of the total engine power. But, this is without taking into account the energy costs for extraction, transportation, processing, and refueling – those costs that the oxygen plant with its “fuel” carries out directly on site. At the same time, in terms of efficiency (efficiency factor), a diesel engine is significantly inferior to a direct-flow oxygen power plant: 36% versus 60%.
The possibility of releasing energy by compressed oxygen in a volume much larger than the energy stored in it in the form of compressed gas is no longer in doubt. Numerous explosions of oxygen cylinders cause destruction dozens of times more than compressed air of the same pressure and volume could cause. So, the reaction of oxygen is something completely different than the destruction of the cylinder from the pressure of compressed gas.
Oxygen does not burn, but it has a large reserve of internal energy, which can be released when certain catalytic processes are provided. It’s like uranium or plutonium, which also do not burn, and under certain catalytic conditions (critical mass concentration at a certain volume) are able to release a large amount of energy. And this phenomenon, for some reason, does not surprise anyone.
But the energy released by oxygen in our installation has nothing to do with either the combustion process or the fission or fusion of the atomic nucleus. However, we believe that this energy is associated with processes occurring at the atomic level, but without the negative consequences inherent in nuclear or thermonuclear processes.
All sorts of hypotheses about the possibility of burning in oxygen of a paint bottle, oil residues or even iron from a bottle are the usual stupidity of the so-called experts, saying that they do not have knowledge even in the scope of school physics. Such statements are refuted by simple calculations available to the student, and we will not introduce them here so as not to waste time.
Compressed oxygen can be activated by various types of impact on it: contact with hydrocarbons, ultraviolet irradiation, hard irradiation, electrical discharge, mechanical shock, and more.
The process of activation of oxygen, for example, pumped into a cylinder, begins in one place (point of contact) and instantly spreads throughout the entire volume of oxygen. By the way, for this reason it is foolish to talk about the explosion of an oxygen cylinder due to the burning of a drop of oil on the valve – no oil particle is able to penetrate into a cylinder with a pressure of 15 MPa.
That is, the activation of oxygen spreads over its entire volume, as soon as conditions for catalysis of this process were created at some point in it, which then proceeds spontaneously and at the same time huge energy is released. And from this follows the conclusion – during the explosion of oxygen, much more energy is released than that stored in it in the form of compressed gas. We have named the general process of release of energy of oxygen – its activation.
By the term “activation of oxygen” we mean its spontaneous ionization or dissociation, which, being initiated in one place of any volume of oxygen, instantly spreads throughout the entire volume of oxygen and occurs with the release of a large amount of energy (heat).
The reasons for such a spontaneous and avalanche-like reaction of oxygen to its excitation are still not exactly known, although there are various theories on this score. This process is best explained by the theoretical justification developed by us.
As already mentioned, there are many mechanisms that can cause oxygen activation, but we, in our processor (oxygen activation mechanism), use our own original method that excites the initial oxygen ionization, which, although we peeped it in wildlife, nevertheless, nowhere and has never been applied in engineering.
Thus, catalytic conditions are created in the active zone of the oxygen reactor for the activation of any portion of oxygen that will be supplied to it. Under the conditions of catalysis, the oxygen in the reactor is spontaneously activated, the pressure and temperature increase. Ordinary gaseous oxygen in the reactor is converted into a low-temperature plasma (ionized), which, at the outlet of the reactor, is used in a heat exchanger or to drive gas turbines or engines.
The main problem in the development of an oxygen reactor was that any new portion of oxygen, for its activation, must be supplied to the working zone of the reactor and this must be done in such a way that such a supply occurs practically without energy consumption, and it must be taken into account that there is great pressure and temperature. To overcome the pressure from the reactor, when the next portion of oxygen is supplied there, all the energy received from its activation can go.
So we have developed a mechanism that allows oxygen to be supplied to the reactor in separate portions and practically without energy consumption, with the exception of some losses to overcome the friction force. This means that in the oxygen reactor it is necessary to start the process of oxygen activation, and any portion of oxygen that is supplied to the working zone of the reactor will automatically be subjected to such activation. And it is this task, and not the methods of oxygen activation described above, from the point of view of physics, that seems to many unrealizable.
In engineering practice for the maintenance of ventilation systems, the appearance of excess thermal energy in the circulating air has been discovered. A similar phenomenon was also recorded in water circulation systems with devices for its active cavitation.
It is known that the process of synthesis of oxygen molecules is accompanied by the release of 495 kJ/mol of energy, or per molecule:
Eb = 495 × 1000 / 6.02 × 10 23 × 1.602 × 10 -19 = 5.13eV
The energy 5.13 eV is the thermal energy of the bond between electrons 1 and 2 of two oxygen atoms. When an oxygen molecule is formed, it is emitted in the form of photons by electrons entering into a bond. From this it follows that it is equal to the sum of the energies of the two photons emitted by these electrons. Therefore, each electron that comes into contact emits a photon with energies 5.13/2=2.565 eV .
Let us pay attention to the fact that the thermal energy of 5.13 eV is released by two electrons that form an electrodynamic bond with an energy of 2.56 eV . In modern chemistry, this bond is called a covalent bond. To destroy it, it is enough to spend 2.56 eV of mechanical energy. To thermally break this bond, twice as much energy is required, that is, 5.13 eV . This is explained by the fact that the photon energy of 5.13 eV is absorbed simultaneously by two electrons. Only in this case will both electrons be transferred to the highest energy levels with the minimum electrodynamic binding energy, at which they are separated, and each oxygen atom becomes free.
Thus, the energy costs for the destruction of the oxygen molecule depend on the method of influencing the bond. Under thermal action on the bond, it is destroyed at an energy of 5.13 eV . Under mechanical action on the bond, it is enough to spend 2.56 eV of energy to destroy this bond.
After the thermal destruction of the oxygen molecule, the process of its formation begins with the emission by both valence electrons along a photon with energies of 2.56 eV , and the former electrodynamic binding energy (2.56 eV ) between the electrons of both atoms is restored.
Thus, during the thermal destruction of an oxygen molecule, the same amount of thermal energy is spent as is released during its subsequent synthesis.
No additional energy appears during the thermal dissociation of an oxygen molecule and its subsequent synthesis.
If the oxygen molecule is destroyed mechanically, then it is enough to spend 2.56 eV of mechanical energy. In this case, the valence electrons of oxygen atoms are in a free state with a lack of energy corresponding to such a state, since the process of absorption of 2.56 eV of energy by each of them was absent. In this state, the electrons cannot remain, they must immediately replenish the energy that they did not receive during the mechanical break of the bond between them. Where will they take it? There is only one source – the environment, that is, the physical vacuum. They immediately absorb it, restoring their mass to an energy equivalent of 2.56 eV .
Consider the process of energy movement (its production and consumption) upon receipt of 1 kilogram of oxygen and its activation.
1. To release 1 kilogram of oxygen from atmospheric air and compress it to the working pressure, it is necessary to spend about 0.4 kW / h of electricity.
2. To ensure the operation of the oxygen processor drive mechanisms, when 1 kilogram of oxygen is activated, about 0.4 kW / h of electricity is consumed.
3. To ensure the operation of other mechanisms of the power plant – protection, automation, cooling systems, etc. – another 0.15 kWh of electricity is consumed.
Thus, during the operation of the power plant, about 0.95 kW / h of electricity is consumed to obtain and activate each kilogram of oxygen .
Subsequently, these costs can be reduced by 35-40%, but for now we are considering what we have today.
kWh of thermal energy is released in the reactor of the installation , part of which is lost during the successive processes of the installation itself:
Up to 7% of this energy (0.3 kW/h) is carried away to the environment (atmosphere) from the cooling system of the plant units, after which about 3.87 kW/ h of thermal energy remains.
Of these 3.87 kW / h of thermal energy, during the operation of the mechanism for converting thermal energy into mechanical energy (engine), up to 20% of the energy (0.77 kW / h) is lost, which is spent on mechanical and thermal losses of the engine and the release of heat into the atmosphere with exhaust gas. On the shaft of the engine that rotates the electric generator, the power is already about 3.1 kW / h of mechanical energy.
That is, 3.1 kW / h of mechanical energy is supplied to the drive of the electric generator.
Losses on the generator, in its optimal operating mode, are about 5% of the energy (0.16 kWh), and the amount of useful electricity generated by the generator is about 2.94 kWh .
Thus, during the operation of an oxygen power plant, the total heat losses on its units are about 1.23 kW / h from the activation of each kilogram of oxygen.
Subsequently, these losses can be reduced by 25-30% or their heat can be used in the secondary cycle, but for now we proceed from what we have today.
Of the indicated electricity generated by the electric generator of the installation from each kilogram of oxygen in the amount of 2.94 kW / h , about 0.95 kW / h is consumed to drive all the units of the installation, as shown above.
The useful amount of electricity supplied to the consumer by such an installation is about 1.99 kWh per kilogram of activated oxygen.
In this case, the efficiency of the installation is:
– in the production of electricity – 47.7%
– in the production of mechanical energy – 51.5%
– in the production of thermal energy – 70%.
The oxygen consumption is 0,5 кгper 1 kW/h of useful electric power at the outlet to the consumer.
For comparison 1.
A thermal power plant operating on high-energy coal with an energy potential of 27 MJ / kg (7.5 kW / kg) generates about 2.62 kW / h of electrical energy from each kilogram of coal used, which corresponds to an efficiency of about 35%. The total thermal and mechanical losses of such a station are about 65%.
– for the operation of a thermal coal-fired power plant, a constant supply of coal is required, which must be mined somewhere, and an oxygen power plant consumes “fuel” from the environment anywhere on the globe;
– during the operation of a coal-fired power plant, oxygen is consumed one and a half times more than during the operation of an oxygen power plant of equal capacity;
– when a coal-fired power plant operates, oxygen turns into a greenhouse gas, nitrogen and sulfur oxides, which leads to environmental problems: a greenhouse effect, acid rain, etc., and when an oxygen power plant operates, oxygen returns to the atmosphere in its pure form;
– during the operation of a coal plant, a huge amount of slag is formed, the level of radioactivity of which can be 100 times higher than the natural background, and no waste is generated during the operation of an oxygen power plant;
– the area occupied by a coal-fired power plant is five times the area occupied by an oxygen power plant of equal capacity;
– the operating staff of a coal-fired power plant is three times larger than the staff of an oxygen power plant;
– the cost of electricity generation by a coal-fired power plant is 6 times higher than the cost of electricity generation by an oxygen power plant;
– unit cost of building a coal-fired power plant is 2.5 times higher than that of an oxygen power plant;
– the world’s fuel reserves of coal-fired power plants are limited, and the reserves of “fuel” of oxygen power plants are unlimited, moreover, their fuel is renewable.
This list can be continued for a very long time and there will not be a single point on which a coal-fired power plant would be superior to an oxygen power plant.
For comparison 2.
A diesel power plant operating on diesel fuel with an energy potential of 46.4 MJ/kg (12.9 kW/kg) generates about 3.35 kWh of electrical energy from each kilogram of fuel, which corresponds to an efficiency of about 26%.
The total thermal and mechanical losses of such a station are about 74%.
At the same time , the oxygen consumption of a diesel power plant is more 1 кгthan 1 kWh of electrical power at the outlet to the consumer, which is two times higher than that of an oxygen power plant, and this oxygen is not returned to the atmosphere in its pure form, as in a power plant, and in the form of oxides that cause the greenhouse effect, acid rain and other environmental pollution.
Table of energy potential of some types of fuel
-#- | Substance | EnergyMJ/ kg | EnergykWh/kg |
1. | Oil, gasoline | 46.20 | 12.83 |
2. | Methane | 46.00 | 12.78 |
3. | Coal | 30.00 | 8.33 |
4. | Oxygen | 15.00 | 4.17 |
5. | TNT | 4.20 | 1.17 |
Based on this table, the energy potential of oxygen is 3.1 times less than that of gasoline (in terms of the amount of fuel used).
However, oxygen 1 кгor ( ) air 3,5 м3is required to produce oxygen 4,3 кг, while 1 кгgasoline requires 3,4 кгoxygen or 14,7 кг( 11,6 м3) air to burn.
Conclusion: to obtain 1 kW / h of energy, an oxygen plant uses 1.2 times less air-fuel mixture than a gasoline-powered plant.
The previously indicated cost of electricity generated by the oxygen power plant in the amount of 1 cent per 1 kWh was calculated according to the scheme presented below.
The above calculations do not indicate the price of electrical energy, but its cost – all the total costs incurred for its production.
Further, these costs will be added to the profit of the energy producer (the owner of the power plant), ubiquitous taxes, the cost of transporting energy to consumers, and as a result, the consumer will have to pay not one cent per kWh, but about 3-5 cents.
But if such a station is designed to provide energy to, say, some automobile plant or other enterprise and is itself a structural subdivision of it, then the price of its electricity will correspond to its cost and will be less than one cent per kWh.
The cost of energy is indicated at the output from the power plant. It is calculated as follows:
The quoted cost of energy includes all direct costs: the cost of all power plant equipment, consumables, lubricants and maintenance. All these costs incurred for the entire period of operation of the station are divided by the entire volume of electrical energy generated by the station for the specified period.
With such calculations, the cost of energy will be, for power plants with a capacity of more than 50 MW / h – about 1 cent per 1 kWh.
The indicated cost of energy takes into account only the direct and real costs associated with its production. It does not take into account: the various taxes on the production of this energy that, in different countries, may be attributed to the production of this energy, the profits of the energy producer, the various costs of transporting this energy to the consumer, and various administrative and intermediary costs.
With serial production of an oxygen power plant with a capacity of 1,000,000 kWh, its cost will be about $ 1.2 billion. The resource of the installation or its service life will be about 40 years. Over the entire period of operation of such a station, it will generate more than 300 billion kWh of electricity.
In this case, the cost of electricity production will be:
– The cost of building a power plant – $,
– The cost of fuel (atmospheric oxygen) consumed over the entire period of operation of the station is equal to zero, (the energy that is spent on extracting oxygen from atmospheric air is generated by the station itself and is not taken into account in the total amount of generated energy),
– The cost of other consumables for the entire period of operation of the station (lubricants, replaceable filters, etc.) – $ 600.000.000
– The payroll fund for the station’s maintenance personnel for the entire period of its operation (for 40 years of operation and at the rate of $ 2,000,000 per month) – about $ 960,000,000.
Consequently, all direct costs for the production of electricity by such a power plant will amount to 2.76 billion dollars, and if they are divided by the entire volume of electricity that this station can generate over the entire period of its operation (300 billion kWh), then the cost of one kWh will be about 0.92 cent per 1 kWh.
Suppose that in these calculations we did not take into account some costs that can still be attributed to the production of electricity by such a station, say, land fees, bonuses to service personnel, some taxes, and the like, and let these costs double the cost of energy . All the same, it will be extremely low and out of competition in comparison with other energy sources.
Moreover, one can also take into account the fact that in addition to the indicated amount of electrical energy, such a station will also generate about 60 billion kWh of thermal energy, which can be directed to domestic needs – space heating or water heating.
Here the cost of electricity production for oxygen power plants of large capacity of 100 MW and more is indicated. The smaller the capacity of the power plant, the higher will be the cost of electricity produced by it, but the difference will not be very large. In addition, with the modernization of oxygen power plants (and their development and improvement continue), the cost of generated energy will also decrease.
The first law of thermodynamics is that the amount of energy given off by a body cannot be greater than its internal energy or the energy given to it by other bodies or actions.
Or – the energy of an isolated system remains constant for all changes that occur in this system.
Or – energy does not arise from nothing and does not disappear without a trace.
Clausius’s formulation : the process of transferring heat from a body with a lower temperature to a body with a higher temperature is impossible.
Or – Thomson’s formulation: a process is impossible, the result of which would be the endless performance of work due to the heat taken from one of some bodies. This formulation imposes a restriction on the conversion of internal energy into mechanical energy.
The ionization (dissociation) energy of oxygen is 15 MJ/ kg .
The efficiency of an oxygen power plant is about 80% in the production of thermal energy.
The efficiency of an oxygen power plant is about 60% in the production of mechanical energy.
The efficiency of an oxygen power plant is about 50% in the production of electrical energy.
Where can one see a violation of the first or second principles of thermodynamics here?
The same is true, for example, with nuclear power. Does it violate the principles of thermodynamics? No. It’s just that the process of energy release there is different from combustion processes. Does starting a chain reaction with the release of colossal decay energy require energy from outside? Also no.
It is the same with the release of energy from oxygen. The ionization process, with the release of a large amount of energy, is different from the so-called combustion process. This process occurs spontaneously, practically without attracting energy from outside, and only when the necessary conditions for catalysis of the process are created.
In both cases, the process of energy release has nothing to do with the process of “burning”. But is this an obstacle to the release of energy?
Quite often, potential investors wishing to take part in a project involve technical experts from outside and, when making a decision, are sent to their scientific opinion.
The only problem is that there are no experts in this work. This is a completely new direction, in which there are no specialists other than those who deal with this problem in our group.
For all other experts, hydrocarbons are on fire. And why? But because it is written in the textbooks by which they studied. But is this an argument? For 13 centuries, world science has argued that the Earth is at the center of the whole world and all the stars and planets revolve around it. And with the advent of Bruno, Copernicus and Galileo, this scientific dogma collapsed.
And what about the experts? The problem of experts is solved simply. When hiring a scientist for the examination of a project, the investor must set him a simple condition. If the expert gives a positive assessment of the project, the investor participates in the project and as a result receives a profit, then he (the investor) pays a part of this profit to the expert. If the expert gives a negative assessment of the project and the investor is not included in the project, and the project eventually brings profit to other participants, then the expert compensates the investor for part of the profit he has lost.
Under this condition, the number of “experts” who are ready to express their expert opinion on any occasion and without any reason will be sharply reduced.
Being engaged in the implementation of this project, we cannot provide the investor or creditor with any material collateral, or a bank guarantee, or government guarantees. We hope that the investor who is interested in our project understands all its significance and the benefits that it brings to its participants.
We believe that the only obstacle for an investor when entering this project can only be the question of its technical feasibility, the viability of the technologies proposed in the project.
To solve this problem, we are ready, subject to certain conditions, to acquaint the investor with the technical essence of the project and acquaint him to such an extent that he himself understands how the proposed technologies work long before they are implemented in metal.
Or a by-product of the project, created using part of the project’s technologies, the sale of which can bring a profit that will cover all the investor’s expenses on the project by several times, can serve as a guarantee for the investor.
It should also be taken into account that in the case of the implementation of an oxygen energy project, starting from the first year of work on it, interesting technical results will appear in the project, which will make it easy to attract investors from outside, but already on much more expensive terms.
The technologies involved in the oxygen power plant project can be used not only for the production of heat and electricity, but also in other areas, such as:
1). Creation of self-propelled fire-fighting complexes capable of extinguishing fires of varying intensity at a distance of up to 3000 or at an altitude of up to 1500 meters.
Such self-propelled complexes will be able to extinguish fires of particular danger or in hard-to-reach places and is absolutely safe for the complex team, for example, fires in ammunition depots, oil and gas wells, forest fires, fires in high-rise buildings, and the like.
2). Creation of power power plants (engines) for sea and rail transport, and in the future, when it will be possible to minimize the installations themselves, for road and air transport.
3). Creation of self-propelled garbage incineration complexes capable of moving around landfills and burning any type of garbage at a high temperature that ensures its complete combustion. Such a complex will be able to burn 2-3 thousand tons of garbage per day and thereby solve one of the most important tasks facing our civilization today. For example, in Ukraine today up to 6% of its territory is under garbage dumps.
4). Creation of self-propelled complexes capable of laying paved roads without the involvement of any building materials. Such a complex will be able to melt the soil on which it moves and leave behind a strip of a flat, solid road.
In the same way, such a complex will be able to overhaul asphalt roads by melting down their old surface, as some road machines are doing now, running on expensive liquefied gas.
5). The use of oxygen energy makes it possible to solve the problem of producing cheap green hydrogen, which is a trend all over the world today and in which hundreds of billions of dollars are invested, and tens of trillions of dollars are planned to be invested over 20 years. The use of oxygen energy in this direction will reduce the cost of green hydrogen production by 10 times and bring it to 1.5-2 dollars per 1 kilogram of hydrogen.
In the longer term, other options for using oxygen energy technologies are possible, which we are not yet aware of.
Why does the creation of the first experimental oxygen power plant with a capacity of 1 MW require $ 43 million, if in serial production it will cost only $ 1.5 million?
The first nuclear power plant with a capacity of 5 MW, built near Moscow 65 years ago, cost the Soviet Union about $ 800 million, which is about $ 160 million per 1 MW of plant capacity. At the same time, today the construction of a nuclear power plant costs $8-10 million per 1 MW of its capacity.
Why is this happening?
Because the cost of the first nuclear power plant included all the costs of developing nuclear power technology, and the cost of mass-produced nuclear power plants includes only the costs of manufacturing their components.
Same with any car. Creating an experimental batch of 100 cars costs the company $1 billion, but this does not mean that each of these cars costs $10 million. The bulk of this money is spent on the development of technical documentation for car components, their manufacture, testing, etc. as well as for production preparation. A production car is already on sale for $ 30,000.
The creation of the first oxygen power plant will cost $43 million, provided that it is built in Ukraine. If it is made in France, then it will cost $160 million, and in the USA or Japan – $250 million.
When creating an experimental oxygen power plant with a capacity of 20 MW, its cost will be about $ 200 million, and in a series it will cost $ 30 million.
At the same time, it makes no sense to create the first experimental power plant with a capacity of more than 20 MW. From individual modular power plants with a capacity of 20 MW, you can collect any required power by connecting them in parallel to the network.
We started working on oxygen energy technology more than 20 years ago, but we only came to the final configuration of the plant only 5 years ago. Moreover, all these years we have been working on improving such a power plant, and 7-8 months ago we came up with the simplest technical solution.
The technologies of the oxygen energy project have many options for their use in the creation of other products – pneumatic fire guns, pulsed hydropneumatic fire fighting systems, and much more. And in no case have we applied for patents. Our group actually has more than 600 own inventions in various industries, but only a few of them are patented.
The fact is that we consider the most profitable option for the implementation of any of our projects – the creation of a prototype system and selling it, along with all the technologies included in it, to a third party. This person may be a company that manufactures similar systems, or a government that is interested in such technologies. After purchasing a system with technologies from us, they will be able to patent them themselves. This expresses the desire of many of the potential buyers. The issue of prestige also plays a big role here – such and such a country was able to solve one of the main problems of mankind.
Another reason why we don’t patent our technologies is that we believe that patenting today not only does not provide priority protection, but, on the contrary, allows technology to be stolen. This is more difficult to do if the technology is being patented by a very large company with a lot of money and a lot of lawyers, and we don’t want to take the risk.
Today, the World Patent Office plays well only one role – the role of a candle, on the fire of which moths flock. Patent offices receive information about almost all new inventions around the world. Those who are interested in this know what is being created and where and can buy the technology of interest from the authors or steal it. The easiest way to do this is to register a similar patent with some modifications. And there are other ways.
That’s why we don’t patent anything.
Having created a sample of any system, we demonstrate its performance. And if no one else in the world is able to obtain similar characteristics or even come close to them, then our technologies work and are out of competition.
The amount of estimated income from an oxygen energy project (from the sale of an oxygen energy technology package and a prototype unit with all rights to them) is determined in several ways.
Oxygen energy is designed for the global market of thermal, mechanical and electrical energy, the total production of which exceeds 50 trillion kWh per year, of which electricity alone accounts for more than 20 trillion kWh. The cost of the specified volume of all types of energy consumed by all mankind in one year exceeds 10 trillion dollars. Of this amount, at least 30% (3 trillion dollars) are the profits of companies extracting, producing and distributing the planet’s energy resources.
There are several fairly simple formulas for calculating the cost of any new technology, and their wording goes something like this:
Option 1.
The cost of a new technology is defined as the income that could be generated in three years if this technology is used in all areas of its possible application. Based on this formula, it can be assumed that the cost of oxygen energy technologies can be about 9-10 trillion dollars. If we apply this only to electrical and thermal energy, then the amount will be about 5-6 trillion dollars.
Option 2.
There is another way to determine the cost of new technologies, according to which the cost of a new technology is defined as 20% of the average market value of the resource that this technology is designed to replace. Given that oxygen energy technologies are designed to replace hydrocarbon energy, the total reserves of which are estimated at about $400 trillion, the cost of these technologies could be about $80 trillion.
Option 3.
In addition, one can take into account the fact that only the countries of the League of Arab States (LAS) annually sell hydrocarbons worth about a trillion dollars, of which their income is at least 70%. How much will LAS agree to pay to keep oxygen energy technology under its control?
Option 4.
But that’s not all. If we take into account that hydrocarbon fuel resources will be enough for mankind on average for 80-100 years, and oxygen energy can work forever, then how much, in this case, can its technology be estimated?
But, if we approach the sale of such technologies with a real, and not with a virtual assessment of their cost, it will become clear that today no one will pay 10, much less 80 trillion dollars for them, for the simple reason that there is no such money. who doesn’t.
The real price that can be received for these technologies can be from 30 billion to a trillion dollars. In the case of complete control over the spread of these technologies around the world, the income from them could be up to three to five trillion dollars annually, but only a very large international corporation or a strong state can do this.
Based on the foregoing, it becomes clear that the proposed project is beneficial for its participants under any circumstances, especially considering that it will be introduced into the global energy market gradually, and the first 10 years of this project will pass almost unnoticed for this market.
All over the world, today there is a huge number of academicians, professors, various so-called “experts”, connoisseurs of theoretical physics with dogmatic thinking at the level of medieval monks and with the same intellect, but ready to give their opinion on any occasion, if only they would be well paid . And modern science does not tolerate dogmas.
In order to create a fundamentally new product, you need to understand one simple thing – nothing is impossible in the world. It’s just that we haven’t “grown up” to some things yet. As Norbert Wiener said: “Even a person can be transmitted by telegraph, but the difficulties that arise in this case exceed our capabilities.”
Technologies on Earth are constantly developing, we are reaching new levels of knowledge. Gradually overcoming difficulties, developing new technologies, you can achieve any result.
Thank you for attention,
Sincerely, A. B.
In the process of getting acquainted with the oxygen energy project, potential partners or technical experts hired by them ask many questions about the technical side of our project. Below are some of the most frequently asked technical questions and their answers.
1. The oxygen processor of impulse action releases energy in separate pulses with a high frequency, and the turbines of the generators of the power plant require a constant (continuous) supply of energy (pressure). How to combine it?
The reciprocating air compressor is an impulse machine, but it can be used to power the turbine of a working tool, such as an air grinder. How does it work? The compressor supplies compressed air to the receiver (cylinder) in separate pulses. In the receiver, the pulses are smoothed out, and a uniform air pressure is established, which already from the receiver enters the turbines of the working tool in the form of a stabilized air flow.
In an oxygen power plant, the function of smoothing individual pulses is performed by an oxygen reactor and a thermobaric stabilizer (see installation diagram).
2. The maximum temperature in the reactor is 3000 C. What material can withstand it?
The flame temperature of a gas burner (autogen) reaches 3000 C , and the temperature of a plasma burner reaches 15,000 C. What are the parts of these burners made of? Imagine – from brass, which melts at a temperature of only 1000 C.
The temperature in the combustion chamber of an automobile engine reaches 2300 C , and the engine head, its block and pistons are made of aluminum alloy, which melts at a temperature of only about 750 C. The induction furnace can create temperatures up to 4000 C , and its inductor is made of brass, which melts at a temperature of 1000 C.
Why are the details of these devices not melted? Yes, because in one case a high-temperature flame is formed at some distance from the burner head, and in the other case, heat is efficiently removed from the parts in contact with high-
temperature gas, preventing them from overheating. The oxygen reactor works the same way. Moreover, with an increase in the size of the oxygen reactor, at the same power, the maximum temperature of its operation decreases, and it may not exceed 800 C.
3. The maximum pressure in the reactor is indicated within 300 MPa. What construction and materials can withstand such pressure?
The maximum pressure in the reactor is indicated within 300 MPa. But, with an increase in the size of the reactor (at the same power), the maximum pressure in the reactor will decrease, and can be within 40 MPa. At the same time, even a
pressure of 300 MPa is not something incredible – the gun barrel can withstand pressures up to 400 MPa at temperatures up to 3500 C.
4. To obtain the specified energy at the output from the power plant, you must first spend a certain amount of energy to ensure the operation of the mechanisms of the power plant. What is the energy gain?
For every kilogram of oxygen, the power plant generates about 4.1 kW of thermal energy, which is converted into 2.8 kW of electrical energy at the power plant's generator (the other 1.3 kW is thermal and mechanical losses). Of these 2.8 kW of electricity, about 0.8 kW is spent on extracting oxygen from the atmosphere and driving the mechanisms of the power plant. Thus, the efficiency of an oxygen power plant is about 48%, which does not contradict any law of physics.
5. How does the combustion process of oxygen take place without the presence of hydrocarbons? What is oxidized in the reactor in this case?
As for the oxidation process, just forget about it. With oxygen, completely different processes occur, leading to the release of energy. Yes, the oxygen power plant is indeed thermal, in which thermal energy is first converted into mechanical energy, and then into electrical energy. Do you think that this process is impossible without oxidation of something? Then take, for example, a nuclear power plant. This is also a thermal power plant, in which exactly the same energy conversion takes place, and there is also no oxidation process to produce thermal energy. By the way, the principle of energy release from matter in atomic and oxygen systems is very similar and has much in common, only in a nuclear reactor the nuclei of atoms are destroyed, and in an oxygen reactor molecules are destroyed. Both processes lead to the release of energy, only when the nuclei of atoms are destroyed, the density of the released energy per unit of substance is much higher. On the other hand, much more working substance is used in oxygen energy, and there are no negative side effects in the form of radioactive radiation, etc. I want to say that partners may have a lot of questions about this project, but if a partner has serious intentions and really wants to participate in this project, then the best way to communicate is a personal meeting. At such a round table meeting, we can fully satisfy the technical and financial curiosity of a potential partner in 2-3 days and sign a cooperation agreement on the project.
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