The investment gorilla

We are developing the sustainable infrastructure of tomorrow by inventing and commercializing large-scale innovations the greatest commercial opportunity of all time.

Investments from 100 thousand personal and 5 million corporate

For seven years and you will profit 100 %

Thats 14.285 % interest per anum

We will pay after 2 years 20 %

After 3 years 20 %

After 4 years 20 %

After 5 years 20 %

After 6 years 20 %

After 7 years 100 %

The Global gorillas

The mother company ,

Strategic planning in climate engineering for sustainable infulstructure development

Each subsidary gorillas pays the global gorillas 20% of net income Whitch will eventully grow to 160 subsidery company franshises

The Investement gorillas

Invetsment fund , Green hedge

fund witch bye funds at 14.285 %

per year and then charges the

other gorillas 20 % per year ,

repayed to investers as follows

such first year 12 months grace

second year 24 months pay 20 %

Third year 36 months pay 20 %

Forth year 48 months pay 20 %

fith year 60 months pay 20 %

Sixth year 72 months pay 20 %

Seventh year 84 months pay 100 %

Total 200 % over seven years

100 % profit divided by 7 = 14.85 %

The Plastic Gorillas

Pyrolosis reactors 120 MTPD , producing 1600 ltrs per tn = 192.000 ltrs per day @ $2.00 per ltr = $384.000 per day $ 138.240,000 per year gross,, X four plants in WA , Coolgardie deisel, Northam petrol,Albany boat fuel ,Geraltton plane fuel, 100 million to build 4 plants

The Restoration gorillas

Marine carbon dioxcide removal via , Ocean iron fertilisation Charged @$100 per tn CO2E

and exspected to sequester 2 billion tn per year [2GT]@ $100 per tn CO2E = 2 trillion $ per year for 30 years, $100 million to aquire companys technology, people and licences

The Atmospheric Gorillas

Weather control global manipulation , Rain making,storm diverting , delivering water to the most arid and dry parts of the world , A global weather network , That incorperates SRM , Solar radiation managment and will generate a cooling credit and will also cool the poles and stop them from melting and stop the oceans from rising , while also generating a methane mitigation credit

10 billion per year gross T/O minimum

$100 million to aquire the company the people the technology and the licences

The next five to be researched and developed over next 5 years , estimated 10 billion per year t/o for all 5 , estimated capital exspendature too build infulstucture 50 billion witch we will raise via our green hedge fund

The carbon Gorillas

Carbon sequestration via agoforestry/ biofuel crops and food crops , planted in the centre of australia in the most arid and dryest lands And Carbon sequestration direct ocean capture plants

The water Gorillas

Water desalination plants located on the north and south coasts of western australia

Feeding via pipelines the native reveg carbon sequestration crops and suppying water to the public

The Solar panel Gorillas

Manufacturing factory of solar panels

to service the domestic and international markets, going halfs with exsisting established supplier

The Batterry Gorillas

Manufacturing factory of nickel / hydrogen fifty thousand cycle batterys to service the domestic and international markets, going halfs with exsisting established supplier

The wind Gorillas

Manufacturing of wind turbines , recyclable type for off shore and land based wind turbines, to service the domestic and international markets, going halfs with exsisting established supplier

And another 150 gorillas susidarys developed over the next 25 years all climate orientated , Food , fuels, Fruit and veg , Meats , Seafoods, Biofuels

The global gorillas

The carbon gorillas

The investment gorillas

The energy gorillas

The fuel gorillas

The water gorillas

The transport gorillas

The garden gorillas

The property gorillas

The tax gorillas 10

The sequestration gorillas

The de salination gorillas

The farm gorillas

The forestry gorillas

The solar gorillas

The wind gorillas

The wave gorillas

The weather gorillas

The manafacturing gorillas

The rail gorillas

The port gorillas 20

The bio fuel gorillas

The rehabilitation gorillas

The law gorillas

The k9 gorillas

The charity gorillas

The seed gorillas

The nursery gorillas

The retic gorillas

The engineering gorillas

The pipeline gorillas 30

The university gorillas

The horticultrlist gorillas

The sheep gorillas

The cattle gorillas

The kangaroo gorillas

The camel gorillas

The pork gorillas

The chicken gorillas

The video production gorillas

The shed gorillas 40

The soil gorillas

The road gorillas

The fence gorillas

The sign gorillas

The service station gorillas

The hydrogen gorillas

THe calsite gorillas

The power plant builder gorillas

The wheet gorillas

The barley gorillas 50

The rice gorilas

The canola gorila s

The soy bean gorillas

The lettuse gorillas

The cauliflower gorillas

The cucumber gorillas

The potatoe gorillas

The sweet potato gorillas

The beans gorillas

The tomatoe gorillas 60

The cabbage gorillas

The watermelon gorillas

The palm oil gorillas

The sandlewood gorillas

The paper tree gorillas

The native forest gorillas

The sugar gorillas

The corn gorillas

The packadging gorillas

The strawberry gorillas 70

The apple gorillas

The orange gorillas

The olive gorillas

The manderine gorillas

The lemon gorillas

The grapefruit gorillas

The necterine gorillas

The peach gorillas

The egg plant gorillas

The proffesors gorillas 80

The insurance gorillas

The pumkin gorillas

The investment gorillas

The solar gorillas

The wind gorillas

The battery gorillas

The transport gorillas

The shipping gorillas

The rehabilitation gorillas

The water gorillas 90

THe plastic gorillas

The engineering gorillas

The rain gorillas

The banking gorillas

The airline gorillas

The hydrogen gorillas

THe k9 gorillas

The garden gorillas

The insurance gorillas

The accounting gorillas 100

The fertiliser gorillas

The law gorillas

The airline gorillas

THe fish and chip gorillas

The trasmission line gorillas

The ammonia gorillas

The electricity gorillas

The charible gorillas

The advertising gorillas

The carton gorillas 110

The printing gorillas

The earth moving gorillas

The shipping gorillas

The solar panel gorillas

The wind turbine gorillas

The battery gorillas

The telco gorillas

The insurance gorillas

The property gorillas

The hedge fund gorillas 120

The computer gorillas

The basalt gorillas

The bio char gorillas

The advertising gorillas

The retic gorillas

The mining gorillas

THe dac gorillas

The carbonsequestration gorillas

The chemical gorillas

The acid gorillas 130

The urea gorillas

The carrot gorillas

The fuel gorillas

The water gorillas

The broculli gorillas

The doc gorillas

The climate change gorillas

The strategic planning gorillas

THe geo thermal gorillas

THe tyre gorillas 140

The municiple waste gorillas

The banking gorillas

The waiste water gorillas

The carbon offset gorillas

The sercurity gorillas

The haaap/ radio gorillas

The recycling gorillas

The holiday park gorillas

THe iga gorillas

The removal gorillas 150

The machinary gorillas

The hire car/truck gorillas

The storadge gorillas

The packing gorillas

The container gorillas

The multimedia gorillas

The heating gorillas

The cooling gorillas

The ice gorillas

The regenerative agroforestry gorillas

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If your interested in Geoengineering and all that go s with it please visit
Jim Lee at his site it is the most comprehensive
and up to date site on the net